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Now, you do not require undergoing any intensive Vascular Surgery rather only tiny-incisions are enough. The modern varicose-treatments are so much advanced that the patients can return to their home on the same day of treatment only. Moreover, the patients will also not left with any side-effects at all.

List of advanced varicose-treatments of 2017:


In this case, veins are being collapsed by generating heat with radiofrequency-energy. This procedure has got a great similarity with Venacure; the only difference is that here radiofrequency-energy is being instead of laser-energy. Narrow fiber is being inserted via tiny-incisions for making the energy entered within vessel and leg. Both visible scarring and sutures are not found in this procedure.


Asclera is nothing but a prescribed drug which needs to be injected within varicose-veins.  Vessel-wall is being damaged by this solution as a result of which veins will get collapsed. Minor cases of varicose-veins can be now effectively dealt by the concerned treatment. In case of larger varicose-veins, both ultrasound technology and foam-based sclerosing -agent needed to be used for getting deeper into the targeted veins.


A laser-fiber is being inserted within veins in this laser-therapy for delivering laser-energy within damaged vessel and this heating can close veins. The vessel becomes reabsorbed by patient’s body so that blood can be rerouted through healthy-veins. Treated patients can get back to their daily chores immediately after the treatment. This treatment has been recorded with 98-percent success-rate with nominal side-effects. Only best Vascular Surgeon having specialization can efficiently deal with this advanced varicose treatment.


This outpatient treatment creates a great combination of mechanical agitation with a special sclerosing agent for the sake of sealing-off diseased veins successfully. In this case, a narrow-shaped catheter is being inserted within veins directly for delivering sclerosing solution with high-speed rotation. After catheter removal, compression-dressings are placed over entry-sites. Little discomfort, lower recovery-period and no anesthesia are involved within this treatment.

These are the few available options out of which you got to choose the best Varicose Veins Treatment that suits your need the most.